The beginnings of tea

Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world, enjoyed by millions of people every day. But where did this beloved drink come from? Let's take a look at the fascinating history of tea.

According to legend, tea was first discovered in 2737 BC by the Chinese emperor Shennong. The story goes that the emperor was boiling water in his garden when some leaves from a nearby camellia sinensis plant (the plant used to make tea) blew into his pot. Shennong tasted the resulting brew and found it refreshing, thus discovering tea.

Over the next few centuries, tea drinking spread throughout China, where it became an important part of the culture and tradition. In the 8th century, Buddhist monks introduced tea to Japan, where it quickly became a popular beverage.

In the 16th century, Portuguese traders brought tea to Europe, where it was initially seen as a luxury item and only enjoyed by the wealthy. However, as tea production increased and the price dropped, it became more widely available and eventually became a staple beverage in many parts of the world.

Today, tea is grown in countries all around the world, from China and India to Kenya and Sri Lanka. It comes in a wide variety of types, from black tea and green tea to oolong and white tea, each with its own unique flavor and characteristics.

So next time you enjoy a cup of tea, take a moment to appreciate the rich history of this beloved beverage. Start by trying our delicious tea from small farmers.


Photo by Katie Long Photography